Senin, 18 April 2011

Amadeus Consulting deals: a quick Intro to Twitter

Almost all have heard of Twitter ™, but what it is and how you can use it? This article covers the basics and give part of Twitter with some advice on using Twitter for your business or as part of the promotional campaign.

The small clause

Twitter is often called the "micro-blog." This is due to the fact that it allows users to freely share your thoughts and ideas, but limited to 140 characters of each post. This limit is initially designed around the SMS (text message) the limitations of the phone, which shall be limited to 180 characters, because it allows users to send and receive texts by telephone and via the Internet.

Each post is called a "Tweet" and is in the thousands of people tweeting "each other". You can sort all that Twitter allows you to "follow" other users, so that the tweets from people you follow will be displayed. It is still possible to view the tweets from other users and find all public tweets.

Twitter to follow the "opt-out" approach to privacy, which means that the Tweets are public by default. This is seen often as one of the benefits of Twitter because users understand that all the Twitter is public before they post anything. However, it is possible to "private" all tweets and privately message other users.

Twitter for business

Twitter collection type, to a large extent, individual users, even if the media companies, Governments and businesses is also a large presence. It is important to remember that the mere presence of Twitter to do anything. This is not a fan of the site, you can notify your loyalties, but (a) to interact and share information. The company is, you can specify how you want to interact with the registry yourself and the client.

Twitter business account challenge is to attract enough followers. For example, Southwest Airlines and Delta Airlines as well as essentially the same service, however, Latin America has succeeded in attracting 1.1 million followers, in which the Delta is the only 131,000.
The mixing of a commitment, incentives, customer service and promotion can be difficult task for the public option, and so it is important to understand that Twitter is a long term commitment and any obtained if viewed by an individual only one campaign or tactics for marketing strategy, social media.

-It is often subdivided, that only about 20% of the tweets should be the promotion itself and the other 80% would be the conversation, interaction, news and updates its own market. Of course, this can be adjusted depending on the product or the user group, but the idea is that you have enough content, and encourage informal meal, instead of spewing ads only, which is likely to scare the people away.

Communications: The ' @ '

Communication, Twitter is pretty straightforward, even if disk space is limited. The best way to understand it is your favorite brands, people, or to the corresponding companies and see how they are talking about on Twitter.

However, it is also a few of the tricks that allow you to see and participate in the community.

Of these the first is the @ symbol, you can use to refer to individual users. By putting the name before the @ symbol, it will create a link to the profile (and tweets). For example, you can type @ AmadeusTech mentioned in the Amadeus consulting.

Hash Tags: #

Term Hash Tag describes the method of encoding different words or topics, which are a common theme. This is done by setting the # number signs, directly in front of the word that you want to add a tag.

This can be explained by the tweet, or you can bind more easily to find a solution to the problem or make the text in the other. For example, the events are often fixed hashtag, so that the participants and fans can keep track of what is said.

You can add the word you want, and it creates a hashtag, so every tweet, which has been used in the same hashtag link. In this case, the people, to discuss topics in an easy-to-information about the same, even though they may never complied with.

URL Shorteners

Because each tweet is limited to 140 characters, it is often challenging, we have provided the links below will take you to space because they are. For example, if you wanted to direct your visitors to interesting blog about Twitter search may give them the URL, which takes up to 48 characters.

Or you may do one of the many free services that provide the URL to shorten and share only 20 characters that look like link. These are the very short URL that redirects the user to another URL. In this example, I used the service, called bit.Ly (, but many others including Google ™, Facebook and Twitter. All of these can help you keep track of the link has been clicked, how many times, which may be useful in the monitoring of certain messages and the impact of social media analytics.

There is no real difference, which shortened the link you can use the service, even if some of the shortened links a bit more than others, which may be important if you are crammed on the space. These are easy to use and the Web site or through or through Twitter page itself.

Going deeper

Twitter has many other additional features, which allows you to send video, photos, and organize your searches and favorite users. There are also many third-party platforms, which will help keep all of the direct immunofluorescence test for CSF viral antigen.

In short, Twitter is a very effective tool to share ideas and information with respect to, building brands, engaging communities and to protect such persons. Becoming part of the community is more than creating accounts and requires that you have included. It takes time, but the monitoring reports can be huge.

The marketing team at Amadeus consulting believes that, as part of their daily tasks to remain on top of what's going on in technology markets. It is important to the company's culture is the thought leaders in technology, but we also share information and views on the Tech market Watch-the newest and most enthusiastic about the tech news with your readers.

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