Senin, 25 April 2011

Why should all small businesses blog?

These days, and with age of instant information, have no trade mark of media a faster turnaround and greater readership than the blogosphere. Blogs are free to own and manage, quite apart from time, and they have been known to do regular Joe's and Jane's famous bloggers.
The trick: fresh, interesting content, updated regularly. It is the perfect way to advertise something, and everything smaller businesses should operate on the blogosphere for exposure.

Five reasons Your Business should be blogging

1: display an actual page of your company

Blogging allows everyone to express their thoughts and opinions, but no one is going to do this, of course. You do not want to alienate all possible clients posting on religious or political issues. So, instead of making the blog personal for you, you can make it personal to your business yet still express a human side. Show people that there are real people behind your business. Inject some humor, professional insight, etc, in your posts. These ties directly into the 2nd reason

2: open a dialog can give surprising returns

By blogging about your company, you can open up real conversations with people. Of course it is not a FAQ section, or any kind of assistance, but rather a place where, if the customer has a genuine concern, a full and thoughtful response can be displayed. The only real difference between this and the type of assistance you should give your company is that this dialogue on a blog, are open to the public. Others will have the opportunity to see how you engage customers.

3: it is a big help for search engine optimization

If you are a business on the Web, then you already know everything about keywords and other ways to optimize content for search engine results. New content on a blog is the perfect opportunity for free advertising. You of course want to post nonsense that is watered with pointless, redundant keywords. But with a little searching for popular words and phrases you can blog content to lace high placement and link people to visit your blog. It is a great way to get noticed and to drive traffic.

4: blogs are informal

Unlike professional websites, Blogs can be carefree, playful and full of links and other information that you wouldn't necessarily want to post on your site. This allows you to earn a higher Search engine placement without sacrificing any credibility. It also opens the door to all the companies you are working in partnership with, such as references and the like. You can place their links on your site and vice versa.

5: Google loves new content

Sure, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines are around, but Google still has a solid 80% market share. And with the figures which you must absolutely be on Google. There is no way around it. With Google's Web crawl feature means new content that you always have the possibility of a high ranking. With your blog, you can get new content without changing the site's main business. It is another great promotional tools.

Eddie Yu is the founder of a 10 year Internet Marketing company specializing in helping new entrepreneurs setup their business projects using online media.

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